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Becoming a small business owner

Starting a business in my early twenties with no direction and really no plan has been hard but after a few short months I have learned some valuable things to help my business grow.


Connecting with other business' who share the same audience as yourself. In my business that would be maternity, birth, newborn photographers, baby boutiques, Midwives and OBGYNS, Diaper companies and so on...

Having these people to collaborate with and refer out too will not only help your business but the businesses you are helping to support. Word of mouth is a very strong path way to gaining business, and the cheapest!

Eye-Catching Material-

If you want to get customers in, visual aids such as business cards, rack cards, flyers, magnets, pens, clothing are all great materials. Having a logo, and business name that is unique and easy for people to say, as well as remember is helpful in a thriving business. People like something physical that they can hold.


It's important that your target market is able to find you! In a world full of internet pages it is important that yours sticks out above the rest. Doing things to increase your SEO can benefit your business. When searching for you on Google it is important that your target market doesn't have to scroll through pages and pages to find you. Having a business page, Facebook, Instagram etc will help you reach a larger audience.


Of course, having experience in the things that connect to your business is important! Training, licensing, certifications, and work experience are all things that are important to consumers. As a mother, it is important to me that my children's doctor is not only a licensed professional, but has experience with children close in age to my own, have been practicing for awhile etc. These things of course take time and because of that, while you are building your clientele and experience, think of ways to make your business look more appealing. Why would you choose a doctor fresh out of med-school over the doctor who has 10 years under his belt? Although, your children's health is always important, for a handy man for example I may take a leap of faith because he is offering me services at a discounted rate to help not only himself but me as well. In the doula aspect, would you rather have a birth with no doula, where the likely-hood of you not getting continuous guidance and support is very high or have a doula that can support you and your partner, as well help you in navigating you to finding a birth plan that fits for you?

I want to help other small business owners become successful, and return the favor that has been given to me. Shopping local, referring my friends who are looking for a service and doing my research has become a big part of my every day life. After a few months, I have finally figured out how to piece all of these things together to start building a clientele, meeting other birth workers in my community, and gaining the knowledge I need to be the best at what I do!

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